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Russia and Ukraine cut off the supply of key gases, SEMI: Alternative sources are hard to find, chips are missing for another 2 years

06/22/2022 Semiconductor key special gases, chip shortages, noble gases, neon, helium, krypton, semiconductors


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  The International Semiconductor Industry Association (SEMI) said on the 21st that as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to threaten the supply of raw materials such as key special gases for semiconductors, the world may continue to face the problem of global chip shortages by 2024.

  According to the Nikkei Asian Review, SEMI President and CEO Ajit Manocha said on the 21st that due to the shortage of key materials such as noble gases due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it is estimated that the supply of chips may continue to be tight in the next two years.

  Ajit Manocha said that at present, chip manufacturers are trying to find alternatives to raw materials purchased from Ukraine, but it is difficult to find supply sources that can replace Ukrainian chip raw materials, mainly high-purity rare gases such as neon, helium and krypton.

  Ajit Manocha believes that global supply chain tightening is expected to ease in 2024, as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will continue to hinder supply even as demand surges.

  Ajit Manocha said that although 92 new chip factories will be put into operation globally in the next few years to meet surging semiconductor demand, the situation will not improve until all factories are up and running. He said that many semiconductor manufacturers are expanding their production capacity, which has the opportunity to make the supply and demand more balanced in the next two years, but the industry is most worried about the lack of necessary equipment to make chips.

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